Monday, September 21, 2009

Redwood National Park, CA

Today we are in the Redwood National Park, in Norhtwest CA. This is a view looking up into the canopy. These redwoods can grow up to 350 to 370 feet high. The root system is very shallow, about 12 feet deep, but spreads out about 125 feet, inter-mingling with other redwoods, giving them stability to withstand winds.

This is Nancy standing in the hole of a dying redwood. The tree makes her look small.

There were many areas where the car just fit through the trees. You had to pull over when passing other cars. Basically, it is a 1 lane drive through the Park.

This is Nancy standing by the ferns growing among the redwoods. They are as tall as Nancy.

This is called "Big Tree". You can see the people in front of it for comparison. In the late 1800's an area logger wanted to cut it down, and use the top of the stump as a dance floor. Other area citizens convinced him not to do it. It remains oone of the largest redwoods in the Park. Interesting: The 'cones' are about the size of an olive.

This is part of a herd of Elk we saw in a residents front yard, just passing the time away. The herd was approxately 30 in number and was stopping traffic in all directions.
We also saw in our travels, a Black Bear, which crossed the road about 20 feet in front of the car. Sorry, I didn't have time to get a picture. I tried to get Nancy to call the Bear back to get his picture, but she refused. The Bear went crashing through the trees.
We also drove a portion of Route 101, down the coast, to see the Ocean. It was beautiful.

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