Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Grand Coulee to Seattle, WA

This is Snoqualmie Falls located just east of Seattle. It is named after an Indian tribe of the area.

Another view of the falls. When we arrived, the area was fogged in and we couldn't see it. While we were waiting for the fog to clear, we went to the Casino, where Pat won $111.60. Congratulations Pat !! Nancy and I left our conribution of $5.00. WHOOPEE !!
We finally arrived at my Niece's home in Newcastle WA, a suburb of Seattle.

A voew from her patio. It is mostly wetlands and cannot be further developed. It is a very beautiful and comfortable. We are enjoying our stay here.

A view of their seatmg area on the patio. With all the trees, the sun doesn't reach the patio, so we wear our sweatshirts when sitting outside.

Our Hosts, Paul and Nancy Firby (My niece and her husband).
As we entered Washington State, we saw miles and miles of Wheat being grown. We were told that Washington is the No. 1 Wheat producer in the nation.
The next few days we will be touring the Seattle area.

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo jealous!! Wish I were there, isn't it beautiful there?
