Monday, August 17, 2009

Kansas City to Oakley Kansas

Arrived in Kansas City on Friday after lunch. Spent the rest of the day and Saturday chilling out and had a great Prime Rib dinner at one of the finest restaurants in KC. Sunday, our friends gave us a several hour tour of KC and we saw the Agricultural Hall of Fame. It was a great time and saw many things only available in this area. We then went to have KC BBQ. We all had a Ribs. A full slab would feed 3 large eaters, and it fell off the bones. Delicious!!

On Monday, we started out early for Oakley, and we could not get satellite communication for the GPS. We had to resort to maps until we could get coverage again. We missed the exit to I-70 and ended up in a town called Edinger, KS. We found a Fire Dept and got directions back to I-70, then within minutes, we got satellites, then we were fine, except when we entered I-7o West, it is a Kansas Turnpike. Arriving at the ticket gate, there was a sign to pull forward to get a ticket, but we went too far forward and had to back up to get a ticket, and it was raining profusely. A long line of cars were beind us, but we inched our way back, but you could see the other drivers cursing us, and the air was blue. We finally got on our way through the rain. It finally quit raining and we arrived in Oakley Kansas mid afternoon.

We went to see Monument Rocks, which is in the middle of a cow pasture (We had to dodge cows which were trying to hitch-hike a ride) about 5 miles on a dirt road off the highway. It was grand.
We then went to see Prairie Dog town, which is full of Prairie Dogs. I have never seen this in real life before, and there were hundreds of Prairie Dogs in less than half an acre. You had to watch you didn't step on one, or in their hole. We saw Coyote, Badger, Reacoon, Fox and a 6-legged cow and a five legged cow. How yummy!

1 comment:

  1. Well the food sure sounds good enough! Makes me hungry! Hubby would enjoy the ribs, too.
    How about a picture of the prairie dogs. We used to see those in Texas. We also used to see the large eared rabbits with the huge feet. I don't recall at the moment what they are called. We would see them along the highway at night on our way back from driving an hour to shop in a large city in TX.
    Thanks for the pictures. Hugs, niece MJ
